
Allow yourself to receive the care you deserve.

Prenatal massage includes techniques such as: myofascial release, deep tissue, triggerpoint therapy, Swedish, neuromuscular, etc with special considerations for the deeply transformative time of pregnancy. Knowledge of the changes her being goes through for each trimester, as well as experience in providing superior massage therapy, offers a safe and effective massage for the expecting mother.

Special considerations for expecting mothers who are receiving massage: her body position, temperature, hormones, body alignment, comfort, reaching a state of deep relaxation and more. Her entire being is in a state of transformation as she facilitates the growth of new life. Prenatal massage goals are discussed so she receives the ultimate care and attention she deserves.

As a woman becomes a mother, she is on a new journey of “matrescence,” which means “becoming a mother.” Everything about her changes. Not only her body, but also her mind, her heart and her spirit begin a transformation. At times this “becoming” is exhilarating, at times it is exhausting, and may also be confusing. She grows and sustains a new life within her, and also, her entire world is intuitively reborn slowly, on every level from the cellular level to the spiritual level. Her body and spirit intertwines with this new life, as her body nourishes the new little body within – with some texts stating she is now influencing future generations. She is now a living ancestor, and she will soon have descendants. How she cares for herself now has greater impact – her love now ripples out to her growing family, and beyond. She is modeling self love and she is now the center of a new little one’s universe.

While this is happening, she needs the utmost care. She needs support – but not just support – the right kind of support. The woman’s body changes in predictable ways to grow and sustain life – and sometimes unpredictable changes happen. The body, heart and mind communicate in many ways, and those who care best for woman during this time are trained and experienced to have the knowledge of these messages, and also have the intuition to go deeper when necessary.

As a mother of four children, three of whom live on this earth, I have the visceral experience of four different pregnancies, three live births – all of which were life changing in their own way. Motherhood is powerful.

As a massage therapist, I have training and experience in supporting mothers through providing therapeutic massage therapy, during pregnancy and postpartum. I’m a willing and ready resource at your service. I have relationships with other healthcare providers who can become part of a team – a circle of woman surrounding the mother, lifting her up in loving support.

It is my honor and privilege to support woman during such a powerful, transformative and sacred time of their life. Please reach out if you have any questions and to schedule an appointment.

In gratitude,
